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Customer Trust & Safety Guidelines

This page describes HubSpot's Trust and Safety Guidelines and how they may affect you.

Our guidelines are informed by HubSpot's Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which apply to the use of any product, service, or website provided by us. While the guidelines outlined below are meant to provide you with additional details on some (but not all) of the limitations and restrictions included in those documents, they do not modify them. Please note that by using the HubSpot Service, you are agreeing to all of the terms outlined in both documents.

Last updated: Aug 1 2024

Content Moderation 

Internally, we count on our automated detectors to scan for potentially fraudulent or misrepresentative copy, or unusual behavior from your account. Unfortunately, automated scanning is not perfect and will occasionally flag content or activity that is perfectly fine. When that occurs, we rely on our human content moderation specialists for a second review and approval.

In addition to our automated detection efforts, we review reports from employees, partners, customers, and third parties regarding unsolicited or abusive content, as well as customer content that promotes, encourages, or facilitates illegal activity, hate speech, violence, or discrimination. These reviews are done by humans and are further described in our Content Moderation @ HubSpot statement. Reports may be submitted by sending an email to us at abuse@hubspot.com or by filling out our Anti-Abuse submission form.

Prohibited Account Actions 

For your overall HubSpot account, we ask that you use your best judgment. By this, we mean do not: 

  • Send malicious software 
  • Use fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading names, addresses, emails addresses, subject lines, or content within your emails, forms, or landing pages
  • Send emails or publish content that could be deemed as sexual exploitation or containing vulgar imagery 
  • Request login credentials and passwords 

Prohibited Content

For all content created by and distributed from your account, we ask that you refrain from the following:

  1. Misrepresentation
  2. Restricted Industries
  3. Sensitive Information
  4. Spam
  5. Service Limit Fraud
  6. Withholding of data


You may not (directly or indirectly) use HubSpot in a manner that is deceptive, false, misleading or fraudulent. We may check for publicly verifiable information about your account, such as an established web or social media presence. If any of this information looks questionable or can't be easily verified, some tools in your account may be suspended.

Restricted Industries

We pay closer attention to a few industries that have higher than average abuse complaints. We do this because abuse complaints not only hurt you, but can hurt our reputation and our ability to provide HubSpot services to other customers. Some of those industries include:

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Escort and dating services
  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Work from home, make money online, and lead generating opportunities
  • Gambling services or products
  • Multi-level marketing or affiliate marketing
  • List brokers or list rental services
  • Selling 'Likes' or followers for a social media platform

This list may be updated from time to time. Please refer to the Acceptable Use Policy for the most current information.

Sensitive Information

HubSpot is not currently designed to comply with industry-specific regulations such as HIPAA or FISMA. If your account is found to be storing sensitive information, you will need to purge the information, or we may need to purge the account entirely.

"Sensitive Information" includes but is not limited to:

  • Credit or debit card numbers;
  • Financial account numbers or wire instructions
  • Government issued identification numbers (such as Social Security numbers, passport numbers)
  • Biometric information, personal health information (or other information protected under any applicable health data protection laws)
  • Personal information of children protected under any child data protection laws
  • Any other information or combinations of information that falls within the definition of “special categories of data” under GDPR or any other applicable law relating to privacy and data protection.

These may change from time to time; please see our Terms of Service for more information.


Do not use the HubSpot Service to email purchased, rented, or borrowed lists. You may not use HubSpot to send spam in any way, as this violates FTC guidelines.

If we receive a report that you've sent spam, we may check for verifiable opt-in. In the event that you are sending marketing email without obtaining opt-in, you will need to purge the contacts from your HubSpot account.

Service Limit Fraud

Service limit fraud refers to someone exhausting a feature’s limits, like their allotted marketing email credits or calling minutes, and instead of upgrading for more service they create a new account to gain more free credits. Customers found exhibiting this behavior may have their account permanently locked.

Withholding of data

Accounts found in violation of our Acceptable Use Policy or Terms of Service may be permanently locked. In the event that an account is permanently locked for confirmed abuse or mis-use of HubSpot’s products or features, users will not be granted further access to the account or its data.